Monatliche Archive: Juni 2014

bgm PRO brakes – THE STOPPER!

< back Brake master cylinder -BGM PRO Radial- piston Ø=12,7mm

This bgm PRO brake master cylinder  has a 12.7 mm master piston. This makes it ideal for the brake calipers with those listed below piston diameters. In conjunction with our bgm PRO brake radial calipers with 4 x 25mm pistons used in the scooter sector is both the dosage and the braking performance breathtaking!

Lambretta Retro Shock absorber front bgm PRO 6Ts

Shock absorber front -BGM PRO 6Ts- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Series 2-3), DL, GP - silver

Shock absorber front -BGM PRO 6Ts- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Series 2-3), DL, GP – silver bgm 6Ts style front shock absorbers to be used with gaiters*. The dampers are not adjustable, but set up to give the same dampening rate like our adjustable front ones. Update for all types of fork shocks. Works […]

Lambretta Silentblock set engine bgm PRO Lambretta series 2-3

Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP - 29cm engine bolt

Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP – 29cm engine bolt We were so unhappy with all the remade engine mounts for the Lambretta that we decided to do our own ones. We tested different grades of rubber hardness and different hardness on left hand side and right hand […]

Lambrett Silentblock fitting tool bgm PRO Lambretta Series 2-3

Silentblock fitting tool -BGM PRO- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP

Silentblock fitting tool -BGM PRO- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP High Quality tool made in Germany. Fitting Tool for Lambretta engine siltentblocks can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: bgm PROSilentblock fitting tool Montagewerkzeug Lambretta Made in Germany [HD] (