Lambretta Silentblock set engine bgm PRO Lambretta series 2-3

Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP - 29cm engine bolt

Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP - 29cm engine bolt

Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP – 29cm engine bolt

We were so unhappy with all the remade engine mounts for the Lambretta that we decided to do our own ones. We tested different grades of rubber hardness and different hardness on left hand side and right hand side.
Now we have found the perfect stiffness to cut down vibrations with different hardness on left hand side and right hand side.

Delivery is always as a pair. They come with indication moulded into the rubber, if it is for left (L) side or right (R). More info

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